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Adebar family
in the Emsland


Clearly informed-
In the interest of the environment

The emission values of the TAS are meticulously monitored around the clock and documented monthly. It is important for us to be able to classify this data quickly. Emission values therefore always appear with reference to the applicable limit value. The convincing result: TAS's multi-stage flue gas cleaning system reliably complies with the strict legal requirements of the 17th Federal Immission Control Ordinance. Interested in further information? Feel free to ask or come along for a guided tour.

SRS EcoTherm GmbH
Neuenkirchener Strasse 8
48499 Salzbergen

Average monthly emission values calculated from daily averages in comparison to the threshold limit values set by the TAS

Emission value [% of the approved threshold limit value]
  Average monthly value September 2024
Dust 1,4%
Total carbon 2,0%
Hydrogen chloride 79,3%
Sulphur dioxide 24,1%
Nitrogen dioxide 99,8%
Mercury 0,0%
Carbon monoxide 47,8%
Ammonia 28,3%

Authorised emission values of the TAS in comparison to the 17th Federal Emission Protection Regulation (BImSchV)

Emissions in mg/Nm³ (as average daily value) Permitted threshold limit value Threshold limit value in accordance with 17th BImSchV
Dust 5 (3)* 5
Total carbon 5 10
Hydrogen chloride 8 8
Sulphur dioxide 40 (30)* 40
Nitrogen dioxide 150 (100)** 180
Mercury 0,01 0,01
Carbon monoxide 50 50
Ammonia 10 10

Measured values of the discontinuous measurements in relation to the threshold limit values for TAS emissions

Emission value [% of the approved threshold limit value]
  Measured Values during sampling period July 2023
Cadmium; Cd; Thallium; Tl 0,0%
Sum of Sb, As, Pb, Cr, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, V, Sn 7,5%
Sum of As, Cd, Co, Cr, Benzo(a)pyrene 1,6%
Hydrogen fluoride; HF 0,0%
Dioxins / Furans 2,6%

Genehmigte Emissionswerte der TAS im Vergleich zur 17. Bundes-Imissionsschutzverordnung

*Jahresmittelwerte **Zielwerte
Emissionen in mg/m³ (als Tagesmittelwert) Genehmigter Grenzwert Grenzwert nach 17. BImSchV
Cadmium; Cd; Thallium; Tl 0,02 0,02
Summe Sb,As,Pb,Cr,Co,Cu,Mn,Ni,V,Sn 0,17 0,3
Summe As,Cd,Co,Cr,Benzo(a)pyren k.A. 0,05
Fluorwasserstoff; HF 4 4
Dioxine / Furane in ng/m³ I-Teq 0,05 0,08

Explanations of the measurements listed in the table

The values from the 17th Federal Emission Protection Regulation (17th BImSchV) stated above apply to waste incineration plants in Germany.

Permitted threshold limit values are those values that have been specifically stipulated for the TAS during the approval process.

The continuously obtained emission data currently being generated at the TAS are described as the actual value according to current monitoring. These data are updated monthly. The values stated here are monthly average values that are calculated on the basis of average daily values.

Dioxins, furans and heavy metals are an exception. These values can only be obtained discontinuously. The values of the latest respective measurement are listed here.

For any questions on the topic of emissions please contact:

SRS EcoTherm GmbH
Neuenkirchener Strasse 8
48499 Salzbergen